It's been a busy 2 weeks. Dylan Pots came to visit during his spring break. Gosh he is getting so much taller then I really thought he would. We had lots
of fun with him here. If you don't know Dylan has been diagnosed as a Diabetic. How it all happen is last summer we were all playing with my machine for I test every once in a while and we decided to test him. His
BGN was in the 300's. I panicked and took him to the DR and had test ran. Then on his Birthday he tested at 440 no cake for you.
The DR at the ER said to me I will not diagnose this as diabetes for he may want to get into the army someday. So when he went home to dads after a long summer his dad got him into a specialist and yes he is at the very earliest stage of
Diabetes this DR had ever seen. One day he will be on insulin but for now it is strictly controlled by diet. So while he was here I worried he may eat a bunch of junk I have in my house for he always had. I spent more time worrying that they will spike again. We did good he only had it one time where it was 240 or so and he was so good about getting up and going for a bike ride to get his numbers down. Then it was my birthday which someone brought me a big 2 layer chocolate cake and he bugged me to no end for a piece of cake. He kept asking me if I wanted a piece and I would say no for I don't like cake at all. So I finally told him he could have a piece. The next day I was so worried I would come home from work and he had ate the whole thing when in fact he ate none of it. WOW Dylan does watch his diabetes. All in all it was a great visit with
Dylan. But before he left Samantha came to visit and it is always fun when Sam comes. She ended up getting to take Dylan home and see her baby. All I can say with your kids test them yearly for diabetes. More on that later........
Congrats Judy & Ryan with the baby. I have the first picture that was sent out by phone and show everyone how fat and cute she is.