Ok so I was to stop smoking the 1st of October but with all that has been happening in my life I just could not take on that too. Trust me I will get it done by December 1. I will be taking the drug Chantex and it is a 12 week program where you smoke the first week then stop. The side effects is so bad that I have been depressed and it says it will make you more including Suicidal. That's the last thing I need is to get more down then I am. 
I am excited to report I have lost 18 pounds and feel good all over. Still no POP!
I am in transition of quiting my job my last day will be 23rd of October.
This picture is a photo of the first snow fall of the year. This is where I go when I want to see and talk to Richard. It was so exciting to see the snow fall, you don't even know the feeling.
I do have a funny story about driving up to this place yesterday. I get up there and it is a snow park and usually no-one is there. But today there is a camp for hunting there and I drive up to the bathrooms and this guy comes out with his shot gun and stands by his tent just watching me. I use the bathroom and when I come out he is still standing there like what, I am here to steal his deer he shot and what I am going to haul it home on my car. SO then I drove over to the spot I leave flowers and he is still standing guarding his camp with his gun. I just kinda had to laugh because I am alone and a woman. I was going to go over and say hi but afraid he would shoot me. I hurried and took pictures and left.
On a better note, I could not be more excited to have MOM and Lynn move closer to me. I need them more then ever here. It just goes to show GOD does answer my prayers. I have been going through a rough time right now and some days I feel so alone.