Just wanted to post before I leave for surgery. It's 6am in the morning and very tired.It will be ok I will be able to sleep a lot later on today. I wanted to tell you this has been more then 2yrs sense this all started. The first Dr I ever saw for this told me I could live with it.
Think of me today and days to come! I Love You All!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Turning 40 Years Old & More
Today I turned 40 finally. It has been long coming and yeah I am just one of a few who looks forward to it. Now the count down is on to turn 50! Its only 3649 days away! So what did I do to celebrate such a milestone, I went out and danced and karaoke last night until 2 am. I had the best time. Lots a friends came to celebrate with me.
So I do have a funny story about kids and not knowing your age. Jeffery the other day said Mom it's your birthday coming and aren't you going to be 34 yrs old. I just looked at him and said yeah then I would have had to be like 15 when I had you and 13 when I had Sam. He said your older then that I said yeppers I am old lady. He said well I was telling my friends at school how much younger my mom is from theirs and they all have moms in their 40's to 50. I said well I am I am old and I will be 40. So today he called and said happy birthday and asked what I got. I said nothing I am to old for gifts. He said oh but you did get a gift peace and quiet from kids. I said that is true but I would have rather had you all here.
On another note.......
Mick got moved over to Pendleton yesterday. He will be here for 3 weeks. He will be helping me after surgery on Wed. It will be a change for me for I was just starting to enjoy my quiet place alone. It will be nice because I have many restrictions after surgery.
As for my surgery I have to report in at 6am. It will take 3-4 hours. They will not have to put me under full anesthesia just a spinal tap like if I was delivering c-section. She says she is worried because she does not know what all is falling now. My ligaments attached to my tailbone has been tearing due to falling and it has been hurting badly. I cant sit for long periods of time and any kind of pain medication makes me sick so I just live with it for now. They have prescribed a few kinds but I just can't take it. I learned something new that is Redheads have a bigger chance of this happening to them. I will hopefully be going home Saturday that's if my bladder is doing OK.
Judy I hope you can brings the girls one day to see me after surgery. It would be fun to have JC feed the fish.
So I do have a funny story about kids and not knowing your age. Jeffery the other day said Mom it's your birthday coming and aren't you going to be 34 yrs old. I just looked at him and said yeah then I would have had to be like 15 when I had you and 13 when I had Sam. He said your older then that I said yeppers I am old lady. He said well I was telling my friends at school how much younger my mom is from theirs and they all have moms in their 40's to 50. I said well I am I am old and I will be 40. So today he called and said happy birthday and asked what I got. I said nothing I am to old for gifts. He said oh but you did get a gift peace and quiet from kids. I said that is true but I would have rather had you all here.
On another note.......
Mick got moved over to Pendleton yesterday. He will be here for 3 weeks. He will be helping me after surgery on Wed. It will be a change for me for I was just starting to enjoy my quiet place alone. It will be nice because I have many restrictions after surgery.
As for my surgery I have to report in at 6am. It will take 3-4 hours. They will not have to put me under full anesthesia just a spinal tap like if I was delivering c-section. She says she is worried because she does not know what all is falling now. My ligaments attached to my tailbone has been tearing due to falling and it has been hurting badly. I cant sit for long periods of time and any kind of pain medication makes me sick so I just live with it for now. They have prescribed a few kinds but I just can't take it. I learned something new that is Redheads have a bigger chance of this happening to them. I will hopefully be going home Saturday that's if my bladder is doing OK.
Judy I hope you can brings the girls one day to see me after surgery. It would be fun to have JC feed the fish.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Kenny Rogers & Oakridge Boys Concert
This year is the 100 anniversary for our Round-up here in Pendleton.The entertainers is Kenny Rogers & Oakridge Boys. I am actually excited for this will be my 1st year going to the Round Up and 2 great singers. Does anyone want to go with me? I will buy the tickets they don't go on sale until May 13. The Concert is on Sept 11, 2010.
JC and her New Freckled Fish

I recently made the trip to Judy's and brought JC her 1st Fish tank. It was so funny because everytime JC came to visit she didn't say much this time she talked non-stop. We got it set-up and then off to the fish store to buy a few items. Mainly FISH! She was so cute she ran over to the big tank of feeder fish saying look Carol look at all the fish. We looked and looked and what did we find....... A fish with freckles and a fish that looks like my fruit loop. She picked which one she wanted. She then picked out a decoration for the tank. It was areio I think that's the name. We also bought gems for the tank. Jc then named then Freckles and Steelers.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
My Missing fish & his New Friends
This past weekend I get a text from Judy she is headed back from Boise and can she meet me by the freeway because she has something for me..... To my great surprise it was 2 new gold fish JC picked out. I was so excited because fruit loop would have a new friends. I was in LaGrande with Mick so I got up at 7am to hurry home to get the fish in their new home..... But, to my surprise I get home and fruit loop is missing. I was blown away! I lifted all the plants and decorations no fruit loop. All I could think of is someone broke in and stole him. Then I looked in the filter department and there he was he must have swam up the water fall and died. I have never seen anything like it. Maybe he thought he was a trout. No worries I will be replacing fruit loop so JC does not worry. Her 2 fish are doing well. Happy Happy Happy! Just one last thing I can't remember their names. Judy can u help me? Thank You JC I love the FISH!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Surgery Instructions
Ok so I went to see the other surgeon today and was she all kinds of helpful. She gave me the low down of what is happening and lets just say my body is turning inside out literally. On top of it I have a huge hernia and much more. After she is done explaining she says the following......
- No driving for up to 3 weeks.
- No lifting ANYTHING for 6 weeks.
- No work for 1st week
- Can work part time if tolerated for 2 weeks after 1st week.
- I will be in the hospital for 4 days at the very least. I will be in the hospital in Pendleton.
- The surgery will take 4-6 hours
I about fell off the chair hearing all this. I went on to say Oh MY I can't afford 3 weeks off work.
The Good thing is Mick will be moving in for the month of April to help me through it all. I think it is my turn I say.
No worries I do have my health care wishes spelled out in case anything goes wrong. Mick will be the person to contact if needed any info.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Family Visits, All Moved In, Surgery
I am all moved in and things put away for the most part. This has been good because I have got the chance to go through the tons of junk I own and thrown a bunch away. Maybe one day I will take up scrape booking and make books of pictures for each of my kids. I have thousands of photo's of them.
I really like living so close to work. It is fun to change clothes in the middle of the day and see if someone notices. I think they think they went crazy when I say I haven't.
I will be finally having surgery on March 31. 2 surgeons will be doing it sense I have a lot of problems that need fixed.
I have had a visitor a couple of times here. Judy and her cute girls have come to visit a couple of times. I just love having JC come feed the fish.If I know she is coming I don't feed him for a day that way Fruit Loop will eat. She loves watching him eat. Thanks Judy! Hopefully when your home some weekend I can come visit. I have a fish tank for JC for her birthday.
Can everyone send me their kids birthdates?
I really like living so close to work. It is fun to change clothes in the middle of the day and see if someone notices. I think they think they went crazy when I say I haven't.
I will be finally having surgery on March 31. 2 surgeons will be doing it sense I have a lot of problems that need fixed.
I have had a visitor a couple of times here. Judy and her cute girls have come to visit a couple of times. I just love having JC come feed the fish.If I know she is coming I don't feed him for a day that way Fruit Loop will eat. She loves watching him eat. Thanks Judy! Hopefully when your home some weekend I can come visit. I have a fish tank for JC for her birthday.
Can everyone send me their kids birthdates?
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