So it's game day and if you live even close to the where the Seattle Sea Hawks live you should always go for the West Coast team, so that's what they say here. Not me I always have to be different. I think you should go for the team you believe in not because you live on the west coast. So I am off to a Super Bowl Party where everyone is for the Cardinals and I am sticking to my guns with the Steelers, not because of Ryan & Judy are the BIGGEST fans because there a good team and played a good game. Oh I guess I can say because of you Ryan and Judy and they have to have a fan here. We have to have some hope from the west to the east even if I am the only one here rooting for them. I will be bring in my horns and noise makers for when the Steelers get a touch down because I am the only one going to be making noise so I better be as loud as the others. So here is one for you Ryan & Judy, at least when you move here to the west you will have me as a fan and you won't feel so alone.
One more thing to this party thing, I made a dessert for the party with PEANUT BUTTER and I sure hope it does not make everyone sick with this whole recall thing. They would almost think that I was trying to kill off the cardinals fans if this happens!