Dear Family & Friends:
I want to do something a little different from the norm. It's not that I didn't want to do the whole fancy invitations it is because Jeffery wouldn't decide if he wanted to do the whole graduation ceremony thing until it was too late.
I want to tell you about my wonderful son Jeffery who is getting ready to Graduate from La Grande High School and Seminary. Jeffery started going to school when he was 3 yrs old. He attend class 4 days a week not because he was slow because he was actually 90% deaf and could not hear. He had the best Teacher for 2 years. He really took Jeffery in and tried to assist him with learning to talk. Jeffery also went to speech therapy for those 2 years he started with a volcalbulary of 20 words. Jeffery then attended Kindergarten at age 5 and did not do so well. His teacher didn't understand how to deal with a child who was hearing impaired and Jeffery fell back in school. When he was 6 he was held back and again it was not a success. Jeffery stared attending 1st grade through 5th in Ririe which they were very unprepared for a child who was hearing impaired and wearing hearing aides. Jeffery never did like those hearing aide. It was a real eye opener for everyone including me. Jeffery was frustrated and always getting into some kind of trouble. One thing that stands out in my mind is Jeffery was on a field trip and while at a rest stop he saw a wildfire in the distance so he called 911 on the payphone to report it. He was just doing what he learned by calling 911 if he sees a fire. I can say the school was not at all happy. I stayed busy fighting the school about educating him. I filled complaint after complaint with the State of Idaho about education my son with a disability. I learned a lot and when it was all over I think they were happy to see us move. Jeffery's years in school always started with me educating teachers on his hearing impairment and him refusing to wear hearing aides. I think last year was the last time I had to go educate the teachers, His senior year I never had to. In his senior year he had made the Honor Roll, went to his first Prom and decided he wanted to go on a Mission with the Church. He has really grown to be a Young Man! In all of Jeffery's years I can not remember a time he really missed any time of school until this year. That is only because he has pneumonia and was forced to stay home for a week even when everyday he wanted to go because he said he would get behind on his studies. Jeffery has really beat the odds of a child who had a disability and was behind in school really never developed friendships in school.
You probably ask why didn't he wear his hearing aides over the years. Jeff never accepted wearing them they were over the ear ones and then when he was 15 he got in the ear ones but he never wanted to wear them. Jeffery adjusted to his world by reading lips and was a pro at it. Jeffery also never accepted he was hearing impaired until he was 17 when he came home and said "Mom I can't hear the teacher" I knew then he had come to accept this.
Jeffery is not any ordinary kid. He is a kid who goes to church every Sunday and would never miss a Sunday. He attended Seminary in school and will Graduate on Sunday. Yes he doesn't sing, dance, act, join clubs, play instruments but he does help members in the church where ever needed. He volunteers at every chance. Jeffery is a one of a kind kid. Jeffery has helped two friends become members of the church and has been blessed with baptizing 1 them. Jeffery is now in the processes of Apply to go on his mission this summer. The only claim to fame he says he has is he was born on the day Mt St Helen's Blew in 1980.
A few tibits about Jeffery
His name use to be Jeffery Robert Buckholz until he changed his name on his own to Click.
Jeffery earned and paid for his 1st car.
Jeffery was so fat as a little baby he couldn't walk.
Jeffery went on the Mormon Trek and pulled a hand cart a majority of the time
Jeffery was in scouts for years
Jeffery learned sign language when he was 14
Jeffery has a sense of humor and loves to play practical jokes on anyone
Jeffery has a dog who is his best friend and has taught him all his tricks. Jeffery does not part from his dog. One time Jeff went to visit Janet and she would not allow the dog to come inside so he slept out in the barn with his dog.
Jeffery can squeeze 10 cents out of a penny, He doesn't like to spend money just save.
Jeffery is very athletic and placed 7th in the State wrestling in the 8th grade.
I Love my son dearly and so proud of all his accomplishments!
You are all Invited to attend:
Jeffery Robert Clicks Graduation
La Grande High School
May 22, 2010
Seminary Graduation
La Grande Stake Center
May 23, 2010
Please share this with all family members for I do not have address for them.