Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Holidays, Kids & The Grinch
For Christmas I will be going to Boise to spend it with Mick. He is still in the hospital but doing so much better. He still has a couple of weeks to go but who knows. The hospital has dragged things on with getting his Trech looked at. He can do most everything for himself and all his test look great. The only hold up is is trech.
Jeffery and I will do his Christmas on Christmas Eve. He has opt to stay home his best friend Chris is coming home from the military. Jeff can't wait to see him.
THANKS Janet for bringing Dylan home for the holidays. I owe u so much. I think it would be good to have him down for the week.
I hope to make it over to see Judy and her family soon but well see what happens.
If I had one wish for CHRISTMAS it would be that us as sibling could become closer..........
Oh one last note THANKS Dad & Darlene for all your kindness!!!!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Great News!
Janet you asked if he will be home by Christmas? I hope so I am hoping to bring him home the 23rd or 24th. It just depends on how well he is doing. He has a ways to go and when he does get home I will stay with him for the first week at his place. My place is way 2 cold for him. He likes it at 100 degrees and I like my place maybe 70. Plus I have 2 many steps for him to go up.
I have your Gift Janet to send I need your address. As fro Christmas unsure and it's up in the air right now. Dylan wants to stay home with his dad this year. Jeff unsure what he has plans for. I did decorate for it all will try and post pic's.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mick Update Great News
Mick did have a trach put in after thanksgiving and it all went well for him. He also had his feeding tube moved to his stomach. A day after he received the Trach I went to Boise where I had to deal with a very angry person who didn't quit understand what was happening or why was he still in the hospital. He couldn't understand why he could not leave with me at night and why I could not stay with him. After a couple of days of fighting him and getting him to understand I had to lay down the law of I was not going to be abused by his angry attitude. I told him I would go home if it continued. By the 3rd day he was sound asleep all day so I went home and that night he woke fighting when a Nurse came in and told him that he can fight them or follow the rules to get out. Mick calmed down and has sense been calm enough to follow the instructions to get off the ventilator. I am now hoping to move him to Walla Walla for rehab. I will go down again Tuesday to be with him and work with the hospital to get him moved. Im so excited about it I can hardly wait to get to Boise now. Mick is off all mind altering meds and the best part of this his MG in remission. As I tell him this is what you wanted.
Ill keep you all posted
Monday, November 23, 2009
- I'm thankful for my son Jeffery that he is a good kid who is not on drugs and drinking and most of all a SMOKER!
- I'm Thankful for my son Dylan Pots who always remembers to say I Love You before he gets off the phone with me!
- I'm Thankful for my daughter Samantha and giving another family the gift of a child.
- I'm Thankful for having Mick in my life and even tho it has been hard with him in the hospital it just draws me closer.
- I'm Thankful for Dad and Darlene for opening up their home and letting me stay there during this difficult time.
- I'm Thankful for my Job that has been so understanding while I take time to go to Boise.
- I'm Thankful for having such a good siblings that always have the right words on my blog when I am having a bad day.
- I'm Thankful for my Mother who calls me and listens when I need to just talk.
- I'm Thankful I'm alive and loosing 25 pounds and keeping it off.
I will not be having the traditional Thanksgiving Dinner this year but spending the day with Mick in the hospital. A bunch of friends have decided to put there dinner on hold until Mick comes home and then get together and have Thanks Giving Dinner together. I did think about going to the Mission in Boise and seeing if I could help serve the meal for a couple of hours or help clean up.
As for Mick he will be having surgery on Friday. He is still in ICU for now and has still on the ventilator. He has a couple of weeks in the hospital to go. He is very weak but making progress. I have been working with him with moving his legs and sitting up in bed. It has been paying off. He has been getting dialysis for a medication overdose. Other then that I can't wait to bring him home.....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mick Update
Recently I got a call from the social worker for a medical guardian for him and he only has a brother. His brother said he would like me and him to make any decisions for Mick together. That is a change for me. His brother has been so supportive to me.
So Dad and Darlene I will be down on Friday night and will stay for 5 days or more. Don't change the sheets or clean the towels I will be back. Thanks for all your support and having someone to talk to at the end of the day while I am there.
I wonder if God is giving me extra time to relax and rest for I will need it later. I have been so tired lately.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Does God Give US Only What We Can Handle?
So to update you with my last blog. Mick broke his neck in 2 places and cut his ligament in his neck. The Dr says he is just so lucky to walk. Well he had surgery on Saturday and after surgery he did not do so well coming off the ventilator. They had to put it back in and put him in ICU to watch him more close. ON Sunday he got off the ventilator and was doing well and sitting in his chair and was being moved to the floor for recovery. Once there I went home for a couple of days and in the night he pulled his feeding tube out which gave him his medication he needs for his disease. He also had damage done to his throat so he could not swallow anything without it going in his lungs. So Monday he refused to have the tube put back in because he was waiting for me to show up in Boise. After missing 3 doses of his medication he had went code blue which at this time he was brought back but put back on the ventilator. That night I got to Boise and the next morning he was taken off the ventilator when he choked on something and went code blue again and was back on the ventilator. SO the Dr said he wants to put a trech in his throat and he was scheduled for surgery Yesterday at 5pm when the Dr came in at 3pm and said there was no way due to the neck injury and the increase of infection. SO we were told next Wed or Thur he will have surgery to have this done but will have to stay on the ventilator until then. I came home to work for a couple of days and will be back this weekend. This has taken such a big toll on us.
Then I ask where is all my family or friends when I am feeling all alone at night and just need someone to cry to because I am so overwhelmed and just want to hear it's ok to feel the way I do. Tonight I tried calling 3 family members and 3 friends not one person answered the phone. Are we just so wrapped up in our own lives we don't have time to hear whats happening? Or just lend some support? Tonight I am home away from Mick and all I wanted to do is just reach out to talk and let out my frustration and talk to someone sense he can't talk.
I do have to send a special THANK YOU to Dad and Darlene for lending me their spare room while I stay in Boise. I know I don't visit much but I am so stressed with everything when I am there. Thanks for turning on the heat before I get back in at night and feeding me, I appreciate everything you have done to help.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Prayers Needed for Mick Alam
Everyone please pray for Mick! Let me explain first. About a week and a half ago I was up at his cabin it was the first day of ELk season and it had snowed and a bunch of us were at another Elk Camp when we got home he had fell off his step. Well he complained of his neck hurting and as time went on it just got worse for him. He thought just maybe this will go away by taking pain medication. Well it didn't and finally went to the DR and he set him up with a MRI and XRAYS. Yesterday he went and the DR called saying we need to send a ambulance to your cabin. The Dr wanted to fly him to Boise for he had very serous neck injuries and one false move he will be a quadriplegic. If you know Mick that is not ok with him, one being in a ambulance and 2 in any wheel chair. SO he has agreed to come down this morning with his hunting partner to this hospital and he will have his neck stabilized and then I will take him to Walla Walla hospital where they will decide what to do. He needs your prayers! Mick has a disease called Mystathenia Gravis. Plus he has Muscular Dystrophy. Being he has this it is hard for him to have surgery due to ansthiea. He choose Walla Walla because his Neurologist is there and has treated him for years there.
I know now God gives us what we can handle and even if he was in a chair I would take care of him NO PROBLEM! I just need your prayers for a good recovery with him. I will keep you all updated.
Thanks Every One For Your Help!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Remembering Richard 3yrs Today Nov 4, 2009
Dear Richard,
I Love You! I Love You as much or more as the day you passed away. 3years ago I lost you to death. In the past 3 years you have come back to be with me to comfort me in so many ways. I know heavenly father has granted you being my guardian angel. Your there on my good days and my bad. You never let me down! You have guided me as I have taken so many roads and every time I really need you it seems you are there holding my hand.
Today I has been very hard on me! Unlike last year I did really well. Today I feel I am mourning you gone and just wish you were here to say it will be ok that your in a much better place. Ive cried a lot today and just wish I could hug you one more time. I know in my heart you are and that you are with our heavenly father. I pray to him every day and I know he has been there for me. I just pray he lets you come back and be with me until it's my time to go.
So take this ride with me today as I go to the summit to see if there is snow up there. The sun is shinning and it's a perfect day for the both of us. I miss you Richard and what I would give to have just one more moment in time......
Love You Always,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
New Job and 1st Diet Coke but wait and read....
Alright on a Great Note: I got a new job out of town. I went for my interview on a Thursday and they called me on Monday to offer me a position. Great health benefits and good pay. I have to drive 50 miles to Pendelton but I think it will be great. My first day was Friday and it was a little over-whelming. Oh whats the job? I will run the Vocational Department for this company. I have not a whole lot of experience in this part of the DD field. I looked at it as if God said you need this education and when you accomplish it you will have both Voc and Residential under your belt. I have a big office and 8 staff and 40 clients. It will be a challenge for me. My supervisor has only been there a month and knows nothing about Vocational so I will be learning it and teaching her. I need this challenge.
Christmas Music? When I sat down to write this blog I turned on the soft music on satellite and it is playing Christmas music. I just got done with Halloween now this. No worries I love Christmas music.
Halloween and Driving Drunk: As for Halloween I just love handing candy out to kids so opt out to stay home and do it this year at my home instead of going to the many parties I was invited to. I did send out a text to all my ex-staff and friends not to drink and drive that if they need a ride to call me and I will take them where ever they need to go. At 2:30 in the morning I got 3 phone calls and up out of bed I went to go take them home. I look at it as I must have saved someones life with them not getting behind the wheel of the car and driving drunk. They just were so thankful for the ride, I was just thankful I could be a help to them.
Well I hope all is well with your families and just love reading your blogs keep them commin!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
25lbs Lost and Whatever Else
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Feel Like Someone was Watching Over Me Today!
I can say someone was watching over me because the first time the power tripped I was saying I can fix it when I get back. For some reason I went and fixed it. Then it did it again because something was telling me to stay if I would have left my house would have burnt to the ground.
The fire Department did come to check for hot spots in the wall and they asked if I had been smelling rubber burn and I said yes for the past couple of days. He said anytime I can smell that to call and they will come check it all out for that is the start of a electrical fire coming.
Thank You to who ever was watching over me today!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Please Pray For Me
Please pray I find a job soon!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
1st Snow for the Year
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Lost 15 Pounds/ Still NO Soda Pop
You know I have been feeling quite down lately. I have thought of maybe relocating. I have thought about a lot of things. I will be honest and don't want any of you to look at this as wrong but there has been times I thought I could leave this world. When I do I out way the good and bad and how I enjoy living this life. so much. I think of my kids and how much they still need me. I think it is the whole thought of leaving the job I have had for so long. It scares me!
Well I will keep you all posted!!!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Moving Furnature & Food Hoarding
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Remembering 9/11 8 Years Later
Even though I didn't personally know someone who was killed or hurt it has touched me all these years that life is so precious and you should never take things for granted. You should always stop and say I Love You because tomorrow may not come.
SO when your in a hurry it takes 2 seconds to tell you spouse and kids and family I Love You!!!! Most of the 3000 people never got to say those words one more time!
One more thing be thankful for living in a free America!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Great Holiday Weekend & 10lbs Lost
As for my diet I made it to a 10lb weight loss and I could not be happier. Do I notice a big change no. I say I think my brains leaked a little. Still no caffeine or pop. I try and walk every day but if Mick is in town I don't get to. Need to learn to do it and leave him home. I am still eating good. Lately I have had the craving to eat at Mc Donald's and will actually drive towards the place to turn around and go home and make something healthy. It is like when I stopped drinking pop I had to learn to drink Milk instead.SO when I get the craving I eat a veggie or fruit.
Another big thing in my life is I'm looking to make a big career change. I am thinking about going to work at a prison as a drug and alcholl counselor. They will put me through all the training and schooling and the pay is about the same but a little less. I went and applied today. I get scared and nervous when I think about it. It's not that I don't like my job I have been there for 4 and half years and the staff are like having 35 kids. I have prayed a lot about this and will continue to. If I do I plan to go back to college and get my masters in this degree. I look at it as I am 39 and have a good 25-30 years still of working. I will keep you all informed.
Jeff is doing great with really buckling down on doing homework. Tonight we had another heart to heart about paying bills and responsibility. He hates the talk but he needs to learn how to do it.
To all my family yes I do read your blogs daily or when updated. Judy I just don't see yours I am blocked. I love reading about everyone lives. Janet you inspire me with all your different things you learn from church. Thank You!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ever Had One Of Those Days?
- It started out with waking to someone texting me at 6am which wakes me and can't fall back to sleep.
- Then I go to leave for work and I have 2 very flat tires. Probably some kids thinking their funny.
- I had to pay $300.00 for new ones because of the type of the car you can't just replace a couple.
- I get to work and remember I left all my work keys in my car at home. Then after going to get the keys
- I loose some very important papers I need for a meeting. Still never found them,
- Then after all that I get home and I end up spilling stuff on my bed and have to wash all 4 layers of blankets.
- Then My day ends with forgetting to shut off the sink water because I was busy talking to Jeff about his day and I literaly flooded the upstairs and it poured to the down stairs. Jeff said this is a great way to get the floors mopped.
Now on a good note I tried to get a picture of Jeff on his first day of school for everyone to see but he was not having any of it. He was so excited to go! I can't believe it he is finally a senior.
I got a message from Samantha she is having surgery Friday she has a Tumor on her uterus. She would all like us to pray for her. I know I will!
Plans for the weekend- Relax and help Mick move into his new apt he got for the winter.
Diet Update:
It's going great lost 9 pounds and still no pop. Don't crave the Pepsi anymore it's just been a great life changing experience. I am excited to quit smoking in a month. I still eat good and stick to my routine daily! It has been 20 days and I am going strong. I still walk 3 miles everyday.
I do want to share with you my experience with looking on the Internet about diets. Now that is scary everyone has a theory and wants you to do something different. I think I will just keep doing what I am doing!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Jeff is a Senior in High School/Summer/POP/Diet
Visit From Sisters & la-la-
As of other news it was so nice to have Janet and Judy come visit. I am so glad they got to see where I lived and worked. I am proud of myself and my accomplishment's and hope they see me in a different lite now, that maybe I am not such a bad person after all. I just loved getting to meet La La finally! Judy I still think she might have left La La with me for a day then you would have had to come back for him. Your kids are very beautiful children! Janet your kids are so down to earth you have done well. If any of you have time stop in I would love to see you!
As for my Pop & Caffeine intake here it goes. Ok so this has been a hard road to tread this past 2 weeks but I made it! I have lost 6 pounds. Don't think for a minute I don't crave pop. It is so funny last nite my girlfriend was over and we decided to make cookies and I had one just the taste brought back the taste of that Pepsi with chocolate. I had a glass of water instead. I found that if I am really craving Pepsi I drink a glass of 1% milk. It helps for some reason.
The next 2 weeks I am going to work on walking my 2-4 miles at least 5 days a week. Who knows maybe I will 7 days a week. Today is not a good day for me start it for I look at Sunday my lazy day. I will come Monday it is like work to me.
I can't wait for my surgery for the problems I am having will make me feel so much better about me.
I just want to share a few diet things I do that helps: Eat Breakfast! Eat a small lunch like I eat cottage cheese & tomato's with 16oz of V-8 juice. Dinner indulge yourself with real foods. Don't be afraid to have a Mc D's Cheeseburger. Drink lots of water and have at least 2 glasses of 1% of milk a day. KEEP A DIARY Be Honest of what you had! OVer all watch your stomach getting smaller and making it hard for you to eat as much as you use to!
My next big thing is QUITING SMOKING Oct 1! I'm going cold turkey like I did pop!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Caffeine & Soda Pop Free
I have been busy this summer but will tell you more about later!
But wait there is big news for me........ I have made it 5 days with no caffeine or pop for 5 days and it has been hard. I have also lost 4 pounds which I need to loose a total of 15 for surgery Nov 2, 2009. I do want to share this experience of no Pepsi or diet coke with all of you if you ever think of doing it.
As most people know I drank more then a 12 pack of pop a day. Then I went to the Dr and he says I need some major surgery but before he can do it I have to do a few things.
- Stop drinking anything with caffeine
- loose 15 pounds
- Go on a strict diet of eating better
- Cut back or quit smoking
These are all things that have caused me to now have surgery for my issues at such a young age, He said usually the woman is 59 not 39 when he does this. So I took him serous and I changed my life style. One other thing he said walking every night is not going to help me loose the weight.
So here is my journey:
- Day 1 I had migraines like no other migraine. I could not bear the pain I had to sleep and hope for the best. The migraine came on about 4pm. Drank tons of water!
- Day 2 Migraine was back about 4pm and started to 2 sweat bullets. I wanted to drink a pop so bad. I drank a glass of milk which I NEVER do. I became very tired and went to sleep until 8pm and then got up and started the migraine and sweating all over again. I drank tons of water today.
- Day 3 I was so tired at work I thought. I had no energy then by the time I got home the mother of all migraines came and so did the throwing up and sweating and I knew then I was doomed and just decided to cry it out saying if this is what detox is like then I never want to do this again. MY friend Mick was there to help and said how can I help I said I just need a Pepsi. He had a coke there and said would a little sip help? I said that's like asking a alcholic if they just want a shot of whiskey. NO I do not need nothing I will be OK. Drank tons of water and some milk
- Day 4 I took migraine medicine at 3pm and didn't wait for the migraine to come. It was great. Drank a couple glasses of milk
- Day 5 No migraine today. More energy, but feel depressed. Took a long drive and wanted the Pepsi but had my water. I seem to crave the pop at night more then any other time of the day. Maybe because I am not busy.
Hopefully I am on the downside of the detox of it all. I watch everything I eat and make sure no caffeine is in anything, I stay away from chocolate because I know it has some. I eat breakfast every morning ( special K cereal measured out and a fat free yogurt. High protein shake for lunch and a healthy dinner some days.) I snack on special k bars. their not bad at all.
After 30 days of making sure I got through my soda issue I am hopefully quiting smoking. I can only tackle one issue at a time. If I did it all at once it would probably killed me. SO I know I can over come one big addiction I can do another. NO get me wrong I never through out the pepsi or diet coke in my home it is all there still. I just dont have a desire to drink it anymore and feel like if I threw it out I would have wanted it more. So it's still there for anyone who comes to visit.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunset on the Mountain
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Spent The Weekend On Little House
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Reunite As a Family
This is the cabin I have reserved for this summer for us to all come together as a family. Some of the wonderful things it has to offer is:
- Beds for 40 People
- Seating for dinner for 80 People
- In door Fire Place
- Warm Showers and Bathroom
- Swimming Hole
- Fishing Hole
- Another Cabin that sleeps 15 on site
- Hiking
- Private Drive into Cabin site
- Volley Ball Set Up
- Flag Pole
- Stadium Seating Fire Pit out doors
- Indoor gas stove
- Running Water
- You could set up a tent but I would not recommend it for the wildlife.
- It is also very beautiful so if you want to just get away from others there is plenty to see.
- You would need to bring your bedding but I have lots of sleeping bags and blankets if you don't have them.
I will be paying for the cabin and would only ask for every family to pay for groceries.
The weekends I have this reserved is
June 27-28
July 24-26
Aug 21-23
We can all pick a weekend that you all can do I will be renting it no matter what.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Kids Come & Gone/Diabetes
Well Congrats Judy & Ryan with the baby. I have the first picture that was sent out by phone and show everyone how fat and cute she is.
Monday, March 23, 2009
A Week Alone....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
New Things To Write Home About
Spring also brings spring break for the kids. Jeff left on a week long journey to Janet's. He will then pick Dylan up and bring him home. It is so funny because Dylan said the other day I hope he doesn't drive slow. I said Dylan he better not go over 25mph all the way here, he is bringing my precious baby boy home to his mom and don't want him hurt. He said then I am not going because that will take up half of my week vacation. Oh I forgot with Jeff gone with my Car I get to drive the pimp mobile. More on that to come with pictures.
I am learning to sing, every time one of my staff has a Birthday Party they invite me out to sing Karaoke with them. Mind you I have never sang they would have kicked me out of the place. Well the staff got a great surprise the other day I bought 2 karaoke machines for my work houses. They got it all set up and I turned it on and belt out a tune like no other. I don't think I sounded so good for the staff were shutting the windows so the neighbors would not call the police. I didn't just do one song but 8 songs. It was so much fun. I didn't have a voice after all that but I had fun. Then again today i just could not resist singing a couple of songs again. I am guessing they won't be asking me to come sing with them again.
As for my love life I am starting to see someone new. He is a great guy who has chased me for 2 years. He is quiet. He stays year round up at his cabin out of town. Right now you have to take a snow mobile to get there. Why after 2 years of him chasing me, well I got the chance to see him and out side the bar and he is actually a great guy with a lot of personality. The interesting thing is he came down for the day last weekend and ended up staying in town. I told him he could come over and crash on my couch. Yes my couch. So we walked through the door and there is Jeff who has NEVER experienced me bringing anyone home from the bar. To say the least he was not happy with me. Well the next morning I got up and there was Jeff cleaning his paintball guns. It was like he was sending a warning to him. Like a father would to his daughters boyfriend. TOO FUNNY! Well I will keep you updated on Mick and I. I am not saying it will work I just know I am taking things slooooooooow!
Well nothing else is happening here. Going to enjoy a quiet week alone. Unsure what I am going to do with myself but I will keep busy for sure!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Nothing to write home about
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Visit To Tricia's, Been Sick
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Jeff didn't STARVE at Samantha's
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Pimp My Ride
Yes Janet this car is worse then the blue bomb you gave me. So you know I thought about having the little balls wrapped around the edges for him and I would hang up dice but hey there is no rear view mirror! He better come home SOON!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ears Piericed/Valentines Day/Being Sick
SO I loved your thing about Valentines Date Janet. I decided it was a day for us single people to remember were still single. I actually had a relaxing Valentines day I was sick so I stayed in and rested. Only for my illness to turn into pneumonia. So today I stayed home from work which I NEVER do . I guess that is what sick time is for something I never use for I never get sick enough to stay home. I am getting better and as the day wears on I wonder why I stayed home. Oh yeah I"m SICK.
As for everything else Jeff set out to go see Samantha today in Spokane. He called and said he made it there. Oh my goodness! My baby son is growing up!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
New Grand Baby & Big Sister
Monday, February 9, 2009
Work & Son Dating
It's funny to find out your sons secrets by reading his blog site to find out he has a girlfriend but not just any girl a girl from a very good Mormon family. Her brothers use to work for my company and I can say they are true role models for all.
Work is going good, keeping busy with everything. I have a client that is blind and she is so funny. She always tells me she is blind because she is, but when I say your not blind you can see through your fingers because you have special powers we don't she smiles big and says I do don't I. She is a very special client because I know her through Richard. Her step Mom is Richards sister. That only sad thing is she will die soon and she is only 18. She has a disease that kills them at a young age and she has really outlived her years she was suppose to live. I feel so blessed to make sure we full fill her last days with all the happiness we can give her. Recently we died her hair purple because she wanted to. Next she will get her ear pierced and I told her I would get mine done because I do not have pierced ears. She is so exited to have it done now. I will keep you updated on her as time passes.
I am also looking into getting my license to take in crisis clients at my home. If I had it today they would place 2 of them here that were clients of mine that keep asking to come back to my program. They came to my program because they had no place for them and were on their way to another lock down faculty when after 6 months with me they became a real success and have not been in crises sense. They went on to assisted living homes and both are doing well. It is just they have kept in touch with me and would love to come back where they know their loved and secure. It will be 6months down the line. But I will keep you informed.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I'm going underground! Steelers WON!
Super Bowl Sunday and I live on the west Coast

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Donations Needed
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Giving Blood
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Oh I did have a very scary experience this week! I went out after work with Shane and in the bars in Oregon you can not smoke so I left my drink and went out doors and came back and picked up my drink and started drinking again. I instantly became very ill and had a hard time focusing and walking. I said to Shane I need to go home for I do not know what is wrong with me all of a sudden and all I felt like doing is pucking. When I got home into bed I tried everything in my power to throw up but my esophagus and stomach was paralyzed and had no way of swallowing. I laid there for 4-5 hours trying to throw up and then I was able to do it. The next day after talking to people about what had happen I had come to realize someone had drugged my drink with what they called a date rape drug which does paralyze you. It has taken a couple of days of not being sick to my stomach but now I know better not to ever leave anything unattended. I know maybe I should be in bars or smoke but that is me and I don't judge.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
As for Jeff he is grown so much and I am SO PROUD of him. For all of you who felt sorry for him over the holidays don't he is very spoiled by me here and gets most everything. Nobody said it cost more when there 17 then 16. He recently got his full license so he loves to just drive around for no reason. Like going 20 miles out of town to buy a 25 cent ice cream. I asked him what does a gallon of gas cost afterwards. I think he now knows what I mean.
Well I hope to keep this up and take more photo's I have tons on my computer but maybe I will one up Tricia and take photo's of what I have to offer so you will all visit sometime.